Kaspersky's new manifesto, introducing the updated design tools.

Done as part of Kaspersky Design team. A collaboration with great guys from Okean Agency

Tools&Detail: Art direction, story & copyright creation
Moscow Finance Forum

Finance forum cg intro

Tools&Detail: Art direction of cg team & concepting
Kaspersky introducing the inclusive
bionic-friendly metaoffice of the future.

Done as part of Kaspersky Design team. A collaboration with great guys from Dobro

Tools&Detail: Art direction, story & copyright creation
Video show at Fremont Street.
"Garden of Eden", Las Vegas.

LED Signage Canvas art. Done as part of N3

Tools&Detail: Art direction, character concept, illustration.
BIOTECH Museum. VDNH Moscow.
Museum visual style. Done as part of 3DLab.ru, with great guys from Mocreative Agency

Tools&Detail: Art direction, graphic design, illustration and 3d design.
Visual language design
(graphic & layout design, 3d illustrations, art direction)
All photos are downloaded from internet and are property of their owners. Here are given as a showcase.
History timeline Exposition
(graphic & layout, illustration art direction)
City Farm Exposition
(concept shots by http://be.net/hitrr )
Fermentation Exposition
(Cg art direction, 3d by Mocreative Agency)
All photos are downloaded from internet and are property of their owners. Here are given as a showcase.
VTB Introduction video. Done with great guys from Mocreative Agency

Tools&Detail: Art direction, References.
Kaspersky. Product Studio

Kaspersky Product studio logo, illustration design and style guide
Done as part of Kaspersky Design team

Tools&Detail: Art direction, References.
Original Idea\Concept
Final Logo&Corpstyle
Kaspersky. GTI

Kaspersky Global Transparency Initiative video
Done as part of Kaspersky Design team

Tools&Detail: Art direction, References.
Color variations
Interior use of the video. London
Kaspersky. Academy

Kaspersky Academy design key visuals and illustrations.
Done as part of Kaspersky Design team

Tools&Detail: Art direction, References.
Illustration style for Academy
Sky News Arabia

TV channel broadcast redesign.
Done as part of N3 Design team. See other N3 projects here:

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Story boarding, References, Titles design.
Birth of Earth

An educational full cg video.
Done as part of N3 Design team. See other N3 projects here:

Tools&Detail: Story boarding, Referennces, Art direction, Titles design.
Reference research + Story boarding

Chestny Znak

A new visual look and feel of a unified national track & trace digital system
"Chestny Znak" created by the Center for Research in Perspective
Done as part of N3 Design team. See other N3 projects here

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Graphic design, 3D modeling, Render, Compositing.
Explanatory video. Consumer
Still shots of one of consumer explanatory videos created usign the new visual style.
Explanatory video. Consumer
Style still shots created usign the new visual style.
Concept Stills
Sotheby's 1980

Project: An exciting virtual journey transports visitors to the original venue to witness the event immersing them into the late 1980s Soviet context, as well as offering to take part in the bidding itself. Participants have a choice to either take part in the sale as a Western art-dealer struggling for a new gem for his or her clients collections; or attend it as a Soviet citizen who was not permitted to bid under the legislation of the time. The later can only imagine the myriads of socialistic goods that could be bought for the price of a single lot. The virtual reality features the renowned auctioneer Simon de Pury "live" who, just like 30 years ago, amidst a cacophony of European languages, prices rising every second, will be directing the sale with the grace of a conductor in front of a choir.
Full project here:

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Graphic design, Concept Stills.
Project Stills
CG Postcards. Part of the interactive bidding game.
Malboro Neuland/Mulitimedia space

It was a pleasure to be an art director and set designer on this project along with many talented people from N3 Design, who made a great idea come to life.

Large-scale immersive digital installation of visual art and sound design. Immersive floor and walls were set to react to every step and move that person would make. How? With a smooth sound and it's abstract visualization on the wall and floor screens. Thus, a number of dancers were able to create a special Music x Visual composition that could be only repeated with chances as good as 1 to bazillion. Which makes it truly unique. The immersive space was complimented with Hololens zone, offering audience to complete an exciting quest in mixed reality.
Full project here: http://upandbeyond.com/projects/neuland-multimedia-space/

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Graphic design.
CCTV4 National Treasure

Tv show focusing on showcasing of museum level cultural artefacts and rarities
in playful and knowledgable way. While thinking of the concepts we were focused
on the idea of implementing the traditional decoration elements in the new CGI
format — abstract, but at the same time with spirit inside.
Done as part of N3 Design team.
Full project here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/92220437/CCTV-4-National-Treasure
Tools&Detail: Art direction, Logo design, Graphic design. Сoncept modeling, concept and interior render.
1st Concept. Treasure mosaic
The concept of mosaic or a puzzle. The idea is that each artifact, historical object or history event are all part of a very long history of one of the greatest nations. Piece by piece we see this history unravel and a bigger picture revealed.
2nd Concept. Glass Dragon
Dragon and fan shapes are two of the main symbols for China and its history.
CCTV4 News at Noon

"News at noon" is the prime-time and one of the most watched TV programs of CCTV network. For sure it had to be classy, with highest standard of visual, but with the local twist to show it's direct connection with China. And yes it needed the well know news symbols — the Globe as the key element
Done as part of N3 Design team.
Full project here:

Art direction, Graphic design, 3D modeling, Render, Compositing.
1st Concept. Infinite transformation
The concept is all about information flow, the constantly turning and changing world around us and it's about speed,
speed with which news is delivered to its viewer.
2nd Concept. Liquid gold
This is the exploration of 2 iconic colours (red and gold) as the symbols of prosperity and success, economical pride
and global expansion. The atmosphere in this concept is darker and more minimal, which perfectly correlates with antique
gold covering and decoration of grand palaces and sacred halls.

BTV Beijing TV

Reinventing look and feel of one of the most important official channels in China. Created a whole new visual
concept of mixing big data analysis and traditional stylistics — simple, complex and playful at the same time.
Done as part of N3 Design team.
Full project here:

Art direction, Logo design, Graphic design, 3D modeling, Render, Compositing.

Among the global projects of the USSR, a special place is taken by the Arctic and Atomic. One is spatial, the other one is technological. The icebreaking fleet united them into a working platform. For already six decades, the "atomic heroes" have been paving ways in the freezing seas of the Arctic Ocean. Nowadays, new icebreakers are being built at the native shipyards. Where the Russian nuclear fleet will work? What tasks will be performed by ships capable of breaking multimeter-sized ice? We will discover this from a short video and congratulate ice-breakers on their anniversary and "new youth". Done as part of N3 Design team.
Full project here:

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Graphic design.
MTS. Future camp

360 indoor video mapping for Annual Management Conference.
24K video projection. Universe of MTS achievements as an intro and Future Camp
as a main part. An animated background for speakers, interactive animated environment allowing to demonstrate '2017 facts and figures in a futuristic way.
Full project here:

Art direction, Logo design, Graphic design. Сoncept modeling, concept and interior render.
Immersive installation at Gorky Park skating rink.
MTS Interactive boost zone.

While even the most advanced CG reels are not a big deal nowadays, we've decided to create an immersive installation, situated on a border of a skating track and supplied with detector of movement. Thus, once someone slides along the detector, a radical avatar rushes through the screen and races against the skater.
Because MTS Hype is always faster.

An installation includes a set of 16 unique avatars which are always ready to have a race with you. The content is also adjustable for a number of versions dedicated for winter and spring occasions like St. Valentine's Day and gender holidays in Russia.
Full project here:

Tools&Detail: Art direction, Graphic design, Concept Stills.
Sberbank. Intracorporate designs.
Intracorporate TV Channel, broadcast concept.

Tools&Detail: Typography design, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max