NLMK Group. Concept, Layout & Production. Design for safety guide.

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max, Indesign
Rostec. Concept & Layout. Design for 3d printed annual report case and its content.

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max, Indesign
SKReview. Concept & Layout design

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max, Indesign
Rosselhozbank. Concept & Layout design

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max, Indesign
ComedyClub. Erevan Concert Ads

Tools&Detail: Layout design, Photoshoot, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max
Random print&Layout designs.

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations, 3d-Max modeling, V-Ray render, production files. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, 3d Max, Indesign
Задача: Издать ограниченную серию подарочной книги. Идея: Книга, которая выделяется на фоне остальных книг. Философия: Арт-объект на книжной полке. Концепция: Книга с неоновой выкраской, на бетонной подставке, в стеклянном боксе + молескин с личным посланием к каждому отдельному читателю, написанным вручную. Материалы: Бетон, стекло, неон.

Tools&Detail: Concept, Layout design, Graphic design, 3d design. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, 3d-Max concept modeling, V-Ray concept and interior render.
Moscow International Ballet
Competition and Contest Of Choreographers. Teaser design. Done for Catapulta Moscow.

Tools&Detail: Layout design, illustrations. Adobe illustrator, Photoshop.